7 Year Anniversary
I'm sorry if you're expecting a happy and cheerful post.
Stillbirths are a lot more common than
you think. When a baby has died in the womb after the 24 week mark it's known as stillbirth. If they die before the
24 weeks mark it’s called a miscarriage. It’s a very hard time for the parents
and the family.
This is exactly what my family went
through. Our little Rhys was stillborn on 18th June 2008. He would
have been 7 today.
We didn’t get to say our hellos, we just
said our 'see you soons'.
He was born with his liver outside of his
body and even if he was born at 40 weeks there would have been complications
and would have needed specialist care which my family would have stepped up to
provide, anything for our little prince.
He was buried on 27th June
2008 with the most amazing funeral service he could have got.
We are not alone. 3,600 babies are stillborn
in the UK alone. 11 babies are stillborn everyday in the UK which makes it more
common than cot death.
If you’re going through this too or know
someone who is… I’m so sorry for the loss. It doesn’t get easier but you got to
stay strong and try and visit the grave as much as you can as this will relieve
the separation anxiety you may experience.
It's normal to feel down and depressed... please seek help and a shoulder to cry on from someone close to you.
Here are some links to help;
Stay strong.
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Instagram; @misscatherineward
Email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
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